Saeed Parsa
Professor of Computer Science
Iran University of Science and Technology
School of Computer Engineering
Narmak, Tehran, IRAN.
♦ Tel/Fax: +98 21 7322 53 14
♦ Email: p a r s a @ i u s t . a c . i r
♦ Faculty webpages: English | Persian
♦ Google Scholar
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University Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science (Software), University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1988-1993.
- Dissertation Title: A Program Specification Language for Engineering Applications.
- Master of Science (M.Sc) in Computer Science (Software), University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1986-1988.
- Thesis Title: In Search of a Standard for Database Management Systems.
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Mathematics and Computer Science, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran, 1354-1359.
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since October 1993
- Research Assitant, The Center of research and manufacturing, Ease-Iran Corporation, 1360-1362
- Head of Personal Computer Unit, Ministry of oil, 1362-1364
Awards and Scholarships
- External Grant awarded by University of Salford, to complete my Ph.D. thesis, 1988
- Letter of Appreciation, issued by the Iziran research and development center, 1986
- Letter of Appreciation, issued by the Computer Center of the Nezaja, 2002
- Junior Proficiency in English, Held by Iran American Society, Tehran, 1974.
Ph.D. Courses
- Super-Compilers, Ph.D. course, faculty of computer engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.
- Software Architecture, Ph.D. course, faculty of computer engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.
- Formal Methods, Ph.D. course, faculty of computer engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.
- Compiler II, Ph.D. course, faculty of computer engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.
Software Engineering
(Dashboard system design, Key performance indicators, Graph analysis)
Software Testing
(Test data generation, Fuzz testing, Performance testing)
Software Debugging
(Automatic fault localization, Defect prediction, Automatic software repair)
Reverse Engineering Research Laboratory
- Tel/Fax: +982173225354
- Address: School of Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, IRAN
Authored and Translated
Software Testing Automation (International book)

System Analysis and Design in Software Engineering

Performance Testing in Software Engineering

Compass, How to Program in Assembly (Translated)